Bike expertise
with a passion for service

Welcome to the first platform for cycling services dedicated to travel and event agencies. We provide top quality expertise and original ways and means for logistics and organization.

Expertise at the service of professionals
15 years of experience in cycle services
Top quality bikes and accessories
Cycle services and logistics
Rates adapted to B2B

What is your business?

Our activities are centered on 3 major domains to fully answer your specific needs. Get back up from our experienced and recognized expertise.

Tour operators and travel agencies

Enhance your trip offers with our catalogue of bike travel packages.
Or create together your own tailored bike trips.
Or get back up with our expert bike rental services, baggage transfer, and transportation of bike travelers.

Companies and events agencies

Are you experts in events management? We can help you from A to Z in the organization of your seminaries, incentives, and team building programs. Discover our exceptional offers on the Tour de France as an official Tour operator.

Sports events organizers

We plan and provide the logistics of your events, including the bike rental, workshops, transportation, and bike vans rentals. We furnish all specific material.

They have confidence in us

Would you like a personalized estimate?

Our commercial team is ready to study your specific needs to co-build together a customized solution.